Cooler Temperatures And Rain Bring Relief To Stockton After Summer-Like Heat

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Stocktonians experienced a significant change in weather on Monday, with cloudy conditions and cooler temperatures replacing last week's summer-like heat.

The National Weather Service (NWS) also forecasts rain and possible thunderstorms in the coming days.

"This week is practically going to be the opposite of last week," said NWS meteorologist Scott Rowe. While last week's temperatures reached around 90 degrees, the city is expected to see temperatures in the mid to high 60s this week. The cooler weather is a result of a marine layer pushing inland on Monday and a cold storm system moving down the California coast starting Tuesday.

The average temperature for this time of year in Stockton is around 79 degrees, making this week's temperatures 10 to 15 degrees below normal. Scattered showers and mountain snow are anticipated across Northern California on Monday afternoon and evening.

The upcoming precipitation is not expected to be as heavy as the record-breaking storms and widespread flooding experienced earlier this year. However, the cooler temperatures could help alleviate immediate flooding concerns and slow down the melting of the snowpack in the Sierra Nevada, which reached 260% of normal in April.

The NWS advises residents to enjoy the cooler weather while it lasts, as summer-like conditions will return in the near future.

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