Stockton VA Clinic

Veterans Face Extended Wait Times Due To Doctor Shortage At Stockton VA Clinic

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Veterans seeking medical attention at a Veterans Affairs (VA) clinic in Stockton are experiencing prolonged wait times, leading many to label the situation a crisis. From the initial eight doctors at the start of this year, the clinic is currently operating with just half that number.
The exact cause of this dramatic drop remains uncertain. However, the repercussions are clear: prolonged appointment schedules and delays in receiving critical medications. For some veterans, the wait to see a doctor stretches into months.

Robert Ortega, Army Veteran and the first vice of the Ed Stewart Post of Stockton, expressed the shared sentiment of many local veterans. "We need help. That's all we ask, help," he pleaded.

In an ironic twist, Stockton is on track to open a new VA hospital next year. However, the state-of-the-art facility might not alleviate the problem. Rep. Josh Harder (D) emphasized that while the new infrastructure is a step in the right direction, it addresses only part of the issue.

"All the fancy real estate in the world won't help us if those are empty exam rooms that we can't fill with doctors," remarked Rep. Harder.

Rep. Harder is actively rallying support for additional funding for VA clinics across the country. Meanwhile, he urges immediate action, suggesting that the VA tap into the resources of larger regional clinics. "Bring in more doctors from Sacramento, Palo Alto, the other two big VA clinics in our region, and they need to do that immediately."

CBS13 has made efforts to reach the Office of Veteran Affairs for a statement on the matter, but as of now, there's been no official response.

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