Michelle Rodriguez

New Superintendent For Stockton Unified School District Welcomed With Applause

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Community, non-profit, and parent leaders in Stockton are joining hands to welcome Michelle Rodriguez, the newly appointed Superintendent of the Stockton Unified School District (SUSD).

The stakeholders have praised the SUSD School Board's transparent and structured selection process that led to the appointment of Rodriguez.

"I applaud the new SUSD School Board members for identifying and choosing a new Superintendent using a transparent process," said Gracie Madrid, a former SUSD Principal and Director of the nonprofit Mexican Heritage Center. "This hiring reflects that, and we look forward to learning more about and getting to know the new Superintendent."

The board engaged the nationally recognized search firm McPherson & Jacobson, LLC, in March to ensure a fair and transparent selection process. The firm helped establish a diverse stakeholder interview panel, conducted a community survey in both English and Spanish, hosted several open community meetings, and provided regular updates at public board meetings.

The process timeline was also explicitly outlined, allowing for complete transparency. With a start date set for July 1, 2023, the board was determined to have a permanent superintendent appointed in time for the new school year.

Bobby Bivens, President of the NAACP Stockton Branch, praised the board's adherence to the procedure and timeline. “This board set a timeline and process that they stuck to while managing through many other critical issues, they included community input, and they hired a qualified candidate.”

The appointment of Rodriguez promises stability for the superintendent role, which was highly volatile in recent years. Since 2020, the district has seen two interim superintendents and one short-lived "permanent" superintendent.

On June 7, in a public meeting, the board voted to hire Rodriguez, who previously served Pajaro Valley Unified School District for seven years and was named the superintendent of the year in 2021 by the Association of California School Administrators.

The community is eager to see the district move forward under the new leadership. Jasmine Dellafosse, a member of the Stockton Education Equity Coalition, emphasized the community's hopes for a superintendent that can prioritize the district's needs and ensure that students and families are given precedence.

The new superintendent will face challenges such as reforming the District’s budget and transparency processes, improving student achievement outcomes, and tackling equity gaps.

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