ElleVet Project: Delivering Compassionate Veterinary Care To Unhoused Pet Owners

Yellow Line

Pets play a crucial role in the lives of many, especially those experiencing homelessness.

Recognizing this, Amanda Howland co-founded the Maine-based ElleVet Project, a nonprofit organization providing free veterinary care, food, and supplies to pets, including those owned by unhoused individuals.

Since its launch in 2020, the ElleVet Project embarks on a veterinary mobile relief tour every summer. Licensed veterinarians and volunteers set off across the U.S in a fully-loaded 38-foot van, offering care to animals in the most vulnerable communities.

Stockton will be hosting the ElleVet Project for a fourth consecutive year, as it returns from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday and Friday at the Salvation Army at 120 N. Airport Way. The services available include vaccinations, flea and tick preventatives, deworming, general check-ups, and even emergency surgeries.

“We see the need. We see so many pets, especially in Stockton and Modesto. We always have a huge turnout. People really need us,” Howland said. The project, which aided 1,000 pets in 2020, saw the benefits triple in 2021, and the numbers are expected to continue growing.

This year's tour includes stops in Florida, Nevada, California, Washington, Montana, Massachusetts, and New York. Despite their impressive efforts, Howland admits, “We can't get to everyone, but we'd really like to get to everyone.”

Relying on fundraising due to its nonprofit nature, ElleVet has plans for future expansion. One long-term goal is obtaining a second van for spaying and neutering operations. In the meantime, Howland and her team continue to aid as many pets as they can, while also attempting to reduce the stigma around pet ownership among the unhoused.

According to Pets of the Homeless, up to 10% of unhoused individuals own pets, rising to 24% in some areas. Howland hopes to raise awareness about the beneficial impact of these pets on the lives of the homeless, stating, "They're taking them in and that's a really good thing."

For more information and a complete list of tour dates, please visit Ellevet Project.

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