Stanislaus State Annual Commemncement Ceremony. 

The 2024 Annual Stanislaus State Graduation Ceremony

Yellow Line

The 2024 Annual Stanislaus State Graduation Ceremony took place on May 29-31. Families celebrated their loved ones, as students took in their last moments before walking the stage and becoming official alumni. According to research in Stockton, California, only 18% of first generation students graduate with a 4-year college degree. Local graduates, native to Stockton, are helping increase that percentage. 

Below is a candid picture of the graduates celebrating the commencement. 


Stocktonians were represented, as local student speaker, Ariana Carlos, was a Stockton local who mentioned how began her speech by mentioning how proud she was of being from Stockton, California. 

Pictured below are Graduate families and friends gathering at the beginning of the ceremony.


One of the few honorary doctorates given went to Dr. Donna Martin Pierce, a life long professional at the campus. University of the Pacific, San Joaquin Delta College, and other colleges in the area also had their commencement ceremonies during the month of May. 

Pictured below: A candid of a local graduate. 


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