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San Joaquin Delta College Hosts Author Talk with Sarah Lohman in Celebration of Women’s History Month

Written by Karla Salcedo | Mar 30, 2024 5:25:36 PM

The future is looking bright for Stocktonian students! In an exciting opportunity for students to celebrate diversity and inclusion for women’s history month, “Author Talks” featuring Sarah Lohman took place at San Joaquin Delta College on March 26, 2024.

About Women’s/Womenx History Month at San Joaquin Delta College

Women’s History Month is filled with on-campus events, focused on amplifying education on inequities within underrepresented groups. Events have included Equitable Grading Practices, Presentation on Women of Color and Microaggression, and a gallery exhibit of six established women artists. Each event brought to life by the Women’s History Month committee at San Joaquin Delta College. Author talks with Sarah Lohman was hosted by Dr. Sarah Seekatz. Dr. Sarah Seekatz is a proud member of different committees within SJDC.

About Author Talks with Sarah Lohman

Sarah Lohman, bestselling author of Eight Flavors: The Untold Story of American Cuisine and Endangered Eating, served as an insightful guest speaker to Stockton students and Central Valley natives attending the event. She majored in food history, specializing in researching the history and heritage of food passed on through generations. Having travelled to different parts of the world to learn about different foods, Sarah has focused her research on learning about racial/ethnic disparities endured by women, immigrants, and people of color.

Throughout her talk she emphasized the importance of developing a broader understanding as to how food extinction is affecting indigenous communities and people of color as the stories she writes run deeper than food. With key takeaways being - the third most likely spoken language in every state is Navaho, food is rich in history and culture, and resources are available to learn more about contributing to fair practices when purchasing food.

Inquisitive students listened intently and actively participated through asking questions, during and towards the end of the talk. It was evident Stockton students were eager to foster change through educating themselves on how they can be mindful of their food purchasing habits.

Learn more about the events, Dr. Sarah Seekatz and Sarah Lohman by visiting deltacollege.edu.