Memorial Service In Manteca Honors Fallen Heroes

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A moving memorial service at Park View Cemetery in Manteca recognized and remembered military service members who have fallen.

Community members congregated on Monday morning to pay respects to lost comrades and family members.

The solemn ceremony started with the haunting notes of a bagpipe and a color guard procession around the attendees. Emotional speeches punctuated the event, with guest speakers recounting touching personal narratives of their time spent with those now gone.

Among the speakers was Philip J. Gutierrez, a veteran who served in regions like Vietnam and Korea. He paid tribute to his brother and other comrades who either died in combat or succumbed to their injuries after returning home.

Richard Martinez uplifted the crowd by passionately singing the national anthem, a tradition he has maintained since 1996. Martinez sang in tribute to his former comrades and all those across the nation who lost their lives during or after their service.

Rep. Josh Harder, Democrat representing District 9, attended the service to honor fallen soldiers, veterans, and his own grandfather, a serviceman who passed away after his years of service. Despite never having met him, Harder treasures his grandfather's photos and cherishes his memory each Memorial Day.

Attendees voiced the hope that amidst the holiday's barbecues and outdoor activities, people would spare a moment to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

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