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Wave of Resignations Hits Stockton Unified School District

Written by Daniel Garza | Apr 24, 2023 11:00:00 AM

The Stockton Unified School District is facing a series of resignations from key officials, including Interim Chief Business Official Joann Juarez, Interim Superintendent of Human Resources Wendy DeSimone, and Transportation Director Nate Knodt.

Joann Juarez, appointed as the head of the district's business operations in August 2022, resigned and returned to her former role as budget manager, taking a pay cut of $80-90,000. In her resignation letter, Juarez attributed her decision to Board President AngelAnn Flores's comments about her work ethic and knowledge. Flores denied any bullying or belittling of staff and insisted that she has only demanded results and accountability.

Juarez had been responsible for implementing recommendations from government watchdogs, such as the San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury and the state's Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team, which were critical of the district's business operations and accountability.

Wendy DeSimone resigned due to the hostile behavior of board leadership towards staff and herself, while Nate Knodt retired amidst allegations of a "toxic" work environment that included bullying and sexual harassment.

Board President Flores apologized for any unprofessional behavior but emphasized the need for accountability and prioritizing the needs of students. Interim Superintendent Traci Miller expressed pride in the district's leadership team and called for continued support for students, teachers, and staff despite the distractions caused by the resignations. For more on this, check out Ben Irwin's article.