Fat City Feed News

Stockton Will End Its Eviction Moratorium

Written by Daniel Garza | Dec 16, 2022 6:48:02 AM

Since Covid, many places would not evict residents due to the financial struggle most endured. The City is looking to make strides in helping those who have lost money due to this moratorium.

This city is looking to put an end to this by February 28th. For those who are wondering what this means, here is what you need to know.  Ben Irwin of the Record writes “When the moratoriums expire Feb. 28, tenants will have six months to repay their unpaid rent. Until Aug. 28, they cannot be evicted for unpaid rent dating to when the moratorium was in effect.” At Tuesday's City Council Meeting, this was voted on and passed with a 4-3 vote. The City is looking to help those who have lost funds due to the moratorium.

What do you think of the council's decision? Should the city give more time for tenants to pay rent or is it time? For the full article read on the Record.net