Michelle Rodriguez

Stockton Unified School District Announces Town Hall Series To Address Community Concerns

Yellow Line

Michelle Rodriguez, the newly-appointed superintendent of the Stockton Unified School District, is taking proactive steps to address the concerns of parents, students, and staff. After gathering input from 322 feedback responses across the district, the superintendent has announced a series of town hall meetings aimed at tackling the most pressing issues faced by the Stockton community.

According to a 30-day progress report released by the district, the predominant concern is staffing and retention, which received 49 related responses. Other concerns highlighted include student engagement, a broad course of study, parent engagement, and staff engagement.

"We are having town hall meetings to give the community a voice, and together, we will move our district in a positive direction focusing on the whole student, whole family, whole community," Rodriguez said.

The superintendent emphasized her commitment to collaboration during her inaugural meet-and-greet in June, stating, "I am not here to fix you. I am not here to fix the system. I am here to lead and to support and to collaborate with you so we jointly move Stockton forward."

The first town hall meeting, focused on staffing and retention, is scheduled for 5:15 p.m. this Tuesday at the School for Adults, located at 1525 Pacific Ave, and will conclude at 6:30 p.m. Subsequent town halls are planned to cover a range of topics including facilities improvements, a broad course of study, and community engagement. The series will culminate with a discussion on safety on October 3rd at Hamilton Elementary School.

Here is the full schedule for the upcoming town halls:

Facilities Improvements: Sept. 7, 5:15-6:30 p.m., Primary Years Academy, 3830 Webster. Ave.

Broad Course of Study: Sept. 14, 5:15-6:30 p.m., Chavez High School, 2929 Windflower Lane

Parent, Student, and Staff Engagement: Sept. 18, 5:15-6:30 p.m., Hong Kingston Elementary School, 6324 N. Alturas Ave.

Safety: Oct. 3, 5:15-6:30 p.m., Hamilton Elementary School, 2245 E. Eleventh St.

For more information and to stay updated, contact Stockton Unified School District.

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