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Stockton Police Department Gets Green Light To Acquire More Military Equipment

Written by Daniel Garza | Sep 26, 2023 12:46:29 AM

The Stockton Police Department (SPD) will soon have additional military equipment in its arsenal. This decision was made unanimous by the Stockton City Council members during their meeting on September 12, following a public hearing.
Though the SPD has been using military equipment since April 2022, Assembly Bill 481, enacted in September 2021, now requires law enforcement agencies to receive approval from governing bodies before funding, acquiring, or using such equipment. This legislation seeks to bolster transparency, oversight, and accountability as police departments statewide continue to expand their military gear collections.

Lt. Gary Benevides of the SPD clarified that the term "military equipment" doesn't always imply equipment used by the military. "The bill's defined 'military equipment' is frequently used by law enforcement for preserving lives, ensuring public and officer safety, and addressing various community challenges," Benavides explained.

Typically, the acquired gear, which ranges from armor, assault rifles to vehicles, is used or surplus, allowing the city to save funds. The recent report available on the SPD's website highlights the department's current possession of 10 drones and two explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) robots. These are employed for purposes such as search and rescue, tactical scenarios, and bomb defusing. Additionally, the SPD owns two armored vehicles designated for emergency operations.

Notably, the report mentions zero complaints or instances of misuse regarding this equipment. However, it's essential to consider that military equipment is often deployed in marginalized communities. In Stockton, a significant 78% of the population identifies as people of color.

Despite vocal concerns from residents in neighboring cities like Sacramento over police use of military equipment, Stockton residents remained unopposed during the hearing. Moreover, District 3 Councilman Michael Blower stated that he hasn't received feedback from his constituents on this matter.

Following the council's verdict, the SPD is set to procure an armored rescue vehicle for emergency operations via the 1033 program, which facilitates the Department of Defense in providing military hardware to law enforcement agencies. Highlighting its multifaceted utility, it was noted, "This vehicle can be invaluable during flood-related emergencies, as witnessed in various parts of the U.S."

The department will also receive a specialized loudspeaker for various communication needs through the 1033 program. As stipulated by AB 481, the SPD is obligated to release a year-end report detailing the usage of its military equipment, gather community feedback, and share the outcomes of any internal reviews. Additionally, a community meeting will follow within a month of the report's issuance.