Stockton Mother Turns Tragedy Into Action Against Fentanyl Crisis

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In a devastating turn of events that resonates with every parent, Jennifer Burruel of Stockton received a life-altering phone call on September 5, 2022, informing her of her son Christopher Calvird's death due to fentanyl poisoning. The tragedy occurred just three weeks after Calvird celebrated his 29th birthday.
"Fentanyl changed everything; I'm not the same person I was before that phone call," said Burruel, emphasizing the indescribable pain she feels since her son's death.

Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid 50 times stronger than heroin, has been on the rise in San Joaquin County, with 48 reported overdose deaths in 2021. The fentanyl overdose death rate in the county spiked to 20 times higher in 2021 than in 2018, primarily affecting individuals between the ages of 14-35.

Calvird, a Stockton native and the eldest of four siblings, had spent the last decade of his life battling addiction while living on the streets of San Francisco. Despite his struggles, Calvird was known for his kindness, love for family, and aspirations to become a pastor.

Burruel is now channeling her grief into advocacy, sharing her son's story in hopes of preventing similar tragedies. She has written three books on coping with grief, organized rallies, and collaborated with the Drug Induced Homicide California chapter to push for legal reforms.

On a larger scale, the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors recently approved several initiatives to tackle the fentanyl crisis, including a "fentanyl strike team" and the development of a comprehensive addiction and mental health treatment facility.

However, Burruel’s fight is also deeply personal. Last week, a billboard bearing her son's picture and the warning "fentanyl kills" was erected at Pacific Avenue and Swain Road. Funded by community donations, the billboard aims to serve as a grim reminder of the life-altering impact of fentanyl.

"For his sake, so that his life is not in vain, we're going to try to save other people's lives," Burruel vowed.

Through her advocacy, Burruel not only honors her son's memory but also takes a strong stand against a crisis that has shattered countless lives, turning her heartbreaking loss into a mission to save others.

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