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Stockton Mayor Kevin Lincoln Nominates Councilmember Kimberly Warmsley As Vice Mayor

Written by Daniel Garza | Apr 13, 2023 3:15:00 PM

In a recent announcement, Stockton Mayor Kevin Lincoln has nominated Councilmember Kimberly Warmsley to assume the role of Vice Mayor, with her term set to continue until the end of her current term on the City Council in December 2024.

The Vice Mayor position, which is largely ceremonial, involves stepping in for the mayor at City Council meetings or public engagements. Warmsley's appointment will be ratified at the City Council's next general meeting, after which she will officially take over the role from former Councilmember Christina Fugazi.

Warmsley has been recognized for her dedicated service and advocacy on behalf of the city's District 6, as well as her tireless work for both the city of Stockton and San Joaquin County. Lincoln praised Warmsley's efforts in addressing local issues, and he expressed confidence in her ability to continue championing solutions to the city's most pressing problems in her new position as Vice Mayor.

The nomination of Warmsley is consistent with the city's selection timeline, as a new Vice Mayor is typically chosen every two years. With her appointment, Warmsley will add another layer of responsibility to her already impressive public service career, ensuring that Stockton's leadership remains committed to addressing the needs of its residents.

In response to the nomination, Warmsley stated that she feels "honored and humbled" by the trust placed in her by Mayor Lincoln. She vowed to work closely with local, state, and federal representatives to make Stockton an even better place for all its inhabitants. By fostering collaboration among different levels of government, Warmsley aims to facilitate the implementation of effective policies and initiatives to improve the quality of life in the city.

Stockton residents can expect Warmsley to maintain her focus on the issues that matter most to them, as she has consistently demonstrated her dedication to the community throughout her time on the City Council. As Vice Mayor, she will have an additional platform to advocate for the city and work towards meaningful change.

This latest development in Stockton's local government reflects the ongoing commitment of its leaders to address the needs of the community and promote a prosperous future for the city. With Warmsley's appointment as Vice Mayor, Stockton can anticipate continued progress on key issues and a strong partnership between the mayor and city council. For more on this check it out on Stocktonia.