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Stockton Mayor Comments On 7/11 Incident: Store Clerks "Never Have Been Suspects"

Written by Daniel Garza | Aug 10, 2023 12:37:01 AM

Following a controversial event at a Stockton 7/11 store, Mayor Kevin Lincoln addressed the public via social media on Tuesday, clarifying that the store clerks involved in a physical altercation with a suspected shoplifter have not been considered suspects.
On July 29th, at approximately 2:45 a.m., an individual believed to be homeless entered the 7/11 store, swiftly moving behind the counter and began filling a trash can with store items. An onlooker at the scene reported that a store clerk initially pulled the man from the counter. Subsequently, another store employee allegedly hit the individual with a stick.

Mayor Lincoln's statement emphasizes that his understanding of the incident and the position of the store clerks was informed by a conversation with San Joaquin County District Attorney, Ron Freitas. Lincoln’s post highlights that the focus of any ongoing investigation would be on the individual who "threatened and attempted to rob the store clerks."

In the concluding remarks of his post, Mayor Lincoln points to Proposition 47, suggesting that by reclassifying certain theft offenses from felonies to misdemeanors, it may have unintentionally spurred an increase in shoplifting incidents, while simultaneously diminishing the police's capacity to hold perpetrators accountable.