Fat City Feed News

Stockton Marine Veterans Embark On Ukraine Humanitarian Mission

Written by Daniel Garza | May 30, 2023 4:55:21 AM

Two local Marine Corps veterans, Richard Campos and Michael L. Emerson, are gearing up to travel to Ukraine to provide much-needed humanitarian aid amid ongoing conflict.

Both hailing from Stockton, the pair plans to set out on their international journey in June.

Campos is no stranger to the war-torn nation, this upcoming trip marking his fifth since April of last year, shortly after conflict erupted.

“What compels me is just doing the right thing,” Campos stated. "When there's a human need and if you have the ability to help, I will help. That's just my nature."

Throughout his previous missions, Campos has ferried hundreds of vital supplies to Ukraine, highlighting a pressing need for items like burn cream and tourniquets. "A lot of them were getting wounded out there on the front line, and by the time they can get them out... they needed tourniquets real bad."

This journey will see Michael L. Emerson volunteer his time alongside Campos. Emerson, who serves as the Commander of AMVETS and the Disabled American Veterans in Stockton, shared his motivation for joining the mission, “As most Americans, we all watch the news and we're seeing all these horrific war crimes...and I want to help them as much as I can."

The veterans' 11-day mission will involve delivering supplies to Ukrainian military and hospitals, as well as connecting with local civilians. Campos, a veteran of the Iraq War, emphasized the international bond shared among veterans. "We need to step up and help our brothers and sisters over there," he said.