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Stockton Man Pleads For Public's Help After $4K Specialized E-Bike Stolen

Written by Daniel Garza | Aug 19, 2024 6:55:31 PM

Stockton resident Scott Alexon is facing a tough reality after the specialized e-bike he relies on for daily transportation was stolen outside a grocery store on March Lane on August 9. The $4,000 e-bike, which Alexon depends on to get to the store and medical appointments, was taken while he was inside shopping, leaving him largely homebound for the past nine days.

"I'm really aggravated," Alexon shared. "It's been rough. I haven't been able to take care of the stuff we have to take care of."

Despite the bike being securely locked, the thief broke the lock and fled with it. The suspect, 27-year-old Romeo Orr, was arrested the next day on Hammer Lane, but the e-bike remains missing.

To make matters worse, the critical medicine for Alexon's 18-year-old dog, which was in the bike’s basket, also vanished with the bike. "You buy that kind of stuff, that's not cheap," Alexon said. "When it up and disappears, you've got to put something else aside in order to replace it."

Now, Alexon is appealing to the public for help in locating the missing e-bike. He hopes that anyone who sees the bike will contact Stockton Crime Stoppers or the police at 209-937-8377.

"It took me a while to get the money together to get it. I hope people will keep an eye out for it," Alexon said. "I don't know what we're going to do about replacing it."

As Alexon waits for answers, his plea highlights the importance of community support in times of need.