Michele Padilla

Michele Padilla (Stocktonia)

Stockton Councilwoman Faces Potential Censure Over Alleged Misuse of Public Funds

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Stockton District 1 Councilmember Michele Padilla is facing a potential censure following accusations that she misused over $10,000 in discretionary funds to host a political rally in July. The rally, held at Michael Faklis Park, allegedly provided a platform for candidates running in the upcoming November election to deliver political speeches, which would be a violation of city policy.

At a Stockton City Council meeting on Tuesday, no councilmembers objected to moving forward with a censure hearing. As a result, an ad hoc committee, including Mayor Kevin Lincoln and Councilmembers Dan Wright and Susan Lenz, has been formed to investigate the allegations.

The accusations were initiated by Councilmembers Michael Blower and Brando Villapudua, who claim Padilla violated council policy by using taxpayer money to fund an event with a political agenda. According to the city’s discretionary funding policy, such funds cannot be used for events that are political in nature.

During the rally, Padilla was seen on stage alongside several candidates, including Christina Fugazi, Mario Enriquez, Jason Lee, and Mario Gardea, all of whom are running for various positions in the November election. In her defense, Padilla insisted that the event was not intended to be political and that the candidates attended as her friends, not as part of a formal program.

Community members expressed mixed reactions at the council meeting. Some defended Padilla, citing her long-standing commitment to the community and arguing that she had no ill intent. Others, however, believed the event clearly violated council policy.

The ad hoc committee will now investigate the claims against Padilla and report their findings back to the full council. If the council determines that the allegations are valid, a public hearing will be scheduled to further address the issue.

Censure, while not carrying a fine or suspension, serves as a formal punishment for wrongdoing and could have significant implications for Padilla’s political career.

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