Fat City Feed News

Stockton City Council To Review Progress On Clean City Initiative And Housing Goals

Written by Daniel Garza | Apr 4, 2023 7:15:00 PM

The Stockton City Council is set to hold its first regularly-scheduled meeting of the month on Tuesday afternoon.

The meeting will include updates on various city projects and initiatives, including the Clean City Initiative and the city's progress towards meeting its Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA).

The Clean City Initiative, which was launched in 2021, aims to reduce illegal dumping and improve the appearance of Stockton. The program involves collaboration between the City Manager's Office, Public Works Department, Stockton Police, community volunteers, and waste management providers. According to the city, the initiative removed nearly 140 tons of trash, 24 tons of electronic waste, and over 1,200 tons of waste from homeless encampments in 2022. The City Council will hear a staff report on the initiative's progress in 2022 and plans for future cleanup efforts.

The City Council will also review the city's progress towards meeting its RHNA allocation. RHNA is mandated by the state, and the California Department of Housing and Community Development determines the total number of new homes San Joaquin County needs to build to meet the housing needs of people at all income levels. The city's 2015-2023 Housing Element progress report indicates that Stockton is unlikely to achieve its RHNA of 11,824 new mixed-income housing units by the end of 2023. While the city has no obligation to construct housing units, it must maintain the housing capacity outlined by the RHNA allocation.

In addition to these updates, the City Council will adopt the 2022 annual progress reports for the Envision Stockton 2040 General Plan. The consent calendar will also include nearly a dozen items for the council's approval.

The closed session of the meeting will begin at 4 p.m., while the public session is set to start at approximately 5:30 p.m. The public can attend the meeting in person at the Council Chamber on the second floor of Stockton City Hall or watch it online via the city's website.

As the city continues to address various issues and initiatives, the meeting provides an opportunity for residents to stay informed and engaged in the community's progress. For more on this visit Stocktonia.