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Stockton City Council Bans Phones In Confidential Meetings Following Grand Jury Leak

Written by Daniel Garza | Sep 12, 2024 7:05:07 PM

The Stockton City Council voted on Tuesday to ban its members from bringing phones or other communication devices into confidential meetings. The move comes in response to a June report from the San Joaquin County Grand Jury, which highlighted an apparent leak during a closed-session meeting.

In a 6-0 vote — with District 2 Councilmember Dan Wright absent — the council approved new rules requiring councilmembers to leave phones, smartwatches, tablets, laptops, and all other devices outside the room during closed sessions. The presiding officer, usually the mayor, will be responsible for ensuring compliance.

The decision follows the grand jury's recommendation to ban devices after it was discovered that confidential details from a March 2023 review of City Manager Harry Black's performance had been leaked. The council also recently approved several other policies in line with the grand jury's recommendations, including guidelines for handling confidential information and governing the activities of political consultants.

The new rules allow councilmembers to step out of public meetings to address family emergencies or business matters unrelated to city affairs, while ensuring confidential discussions remain secure.

Sources: The Stockton Record