Sheriff Patrick Withrow

San Joaquin Sheriff's Office Takes Hard Line On Sideshow Events

Yellow Line

In a significant crackdown on illegal sideshow events, the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office has taken a decisive stand by seizing nearly 90 vehicles following a massive sideshow bust in Stockton on February 3. Sideshows, which involve drivers blocking roads to perform reckless maneuvers such as donuts, have become a concerning trend for law enforcement due to the dangers they pose and the disruption they cause to public roads, including highways.

Sheriff Patrick Withrow of the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office emphasized the department's zero-tolerance policy toward such activities in a statement to KCRA 3, showcasing the vehicles seized by the department's special sideshow taskforce. The operation not only resulted in the detention of more than 150 individuals, with several facing arrest and jail time, but also signaled a stern warning against future sideshow participation: "Future sideshow activity will be met with the same level of enforcement," declared the sheriff's office.

Highlighting the severity of their approach, Sheriff Withrow made it clear that the seized vehicles would not be returned anytime soon. "I wouldn't waste your time coming out here or calling about your car because it's going to sit until a judge or DA tells us to let it go," he stated. This policy reflects the office's strategy to seize vehicles as evidence rather than merely impounding them, with plans to seek court orders for the destruction of vehicles deemed particularly dangerous.

The operation also uncovered guns and illegal drugs in some of the seized vehicles, further justifying the need for stringent measures. Withrow disclosed that each vehicle would be subject to a thorough search, including documentation, fingerprinting, and DNA sampling as necessary, under search warrants obtained for this purpose.

This latest enforcement action represents a significant escalation in the sheriff's office's efforts to combat sideshow activities, marking the first time Withrow's office has seized such a large number of vehicles in one operation. With specialized teams now in place, the sheriff's office is poised to respond swiftly and decisively to any future incidents, setting a new precedent for law enforcement in the region against the backdrop of growing concerns over the safety and legality of sideshow events.

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