Fat City Feed News

San Joaquin County Leads Nation In Copper Wire Theft

Written by Daniel Garza | Apr 28, 2023 3:15:00 PM

San Joaquin County now holds the unwanted title of leading the nation in copper wire theft, according to Supervisor Steve Ding.

Law enforcement and city officials from Lodi and Stockton convened a press conference on Wednesday to address the issue and discuss their response.

Ding revealed that thieves have been targeting the copper wire inside fiber optic cables, which are critical to communications infrastructure. In the last four days alone, at least 48 fiber lines have been cut across the county. Copper wire thefts have increased by 139% in the past four months, and San Joaquin County Sheriff Pat Withrow believes a lack of accountability has allowed this issue to persist.

Withrow called for state lawmakers to implement harsher penalties for copper wire thieves and said county lawmakers are considering new ordinances to target the criminals and their vehicles. He also highlighted the role recycling centers play in exchanging cash for stolen copper wire and stated that local authorities will start investigating the involvement of these centers.

Officials are considering installing cameras throughout the county to combat the problem. Stockton Mayor Kevin Lincoln emphasized the importance of reporting any suspicious activity, urging citizens to protect their community and critical infrastructure.