Fat City Feed News

Safeway Steps Up Security Measures In Stockton

Written by Daniel Garza | Mar 1, 2024 9:25:22 PM

Stockton, CA- Have you noticed something new at the Safeway on Pacific Avenue? In response to the uptick in theft, the store has introduced a new layout featuring one-way entrance and exit barriers. It's a fresh change aimed at boosting safety and ensuring a peaceful shopping experience for everyone.

Griselda Gonzales, who's pretty much a Safeway regular, shared her thoughts on the update. "At first, it's a little bit to get used to it," she admitted. But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. "If it cuts down on theft and stuff like that and I can shop in the afternoons with my kids safely, I'm OK with that," she explained. It's all about making those grocery runs smoother and safer, right?

Safeway's team provided some insight into the changes: "With the increasing amount of theft, we've made some updates at the front end of the store to deter shoplifting." They're on a mission to keep the shopping vibe as welcoming as ever, not just for us customers but for their hardworking staff too. It turns out these security tweaks have been in the pipeline for a while, all with our well-being in mind.

Nate Rose from the California Grocers Association shed some light on the broader picture. Although these barriers might not be everywhere yet, they're a sign of the times—stores are getting creative to maintain a safe environment. "If the status quo continues, they're going to have to look into new ways to keep stores safe," he noted.

It's a tricky balance—keeping the shelves stocked with our favorite items, from makeup to the finest California wines, while ensuring they don't end up in the wrong hands. "This is the complete antithesis of what we want to do, but it shows how bad the problem has become," Rose added, emphasizing the importance of adapting to these challenges.

So, next time you're at Safeway navigating the new setup, know it's all part of an effort to keep our community safe and sound. And remember, it's about making sure we all can enjoy a hassle-free and secure shopping trip. Happy shopping, neighbors!