Ronald McNair High School

McNair High School Continues Online Learning Amid Power Outage

Yellow Line

McNair High School in Stockton is facing an unprecedented challenge as it enters its second week of online-only classes due to a persistent power problem on campus. The issue, stemming from an equipment failure that disrupted the school's power system, has forced students to adapt to remote learning since January 29.

The principal of McNair High School has been actively communicating with the school community, having sent out six messages to date to keep families informed about the ongoing situation. Despite efforts to resolve the power outage, the school announced that on-campus classes would not resume for at least the rest of this week, requiring students to continue their studies from home.

The shift to online learning began last Tuesday, with students directed to engage with their coursework through Google Classrooms on Wednesday and Thursday. The upcoming Friday has been noted as a holiday, providing a brief pause in the school's adjusted learning schedule.

The power outage issue also sparked a moment of tension at a recent Lodi Unified School District school board meeting. During Superintendent Neil Young’s report, an attendee expressed frustration over the prolonged outage, leading to an exchange with the board's president, Gary Knackstedt, who urged the individual to "Grow up." The person retorted, emphasizing the impact of the situation on students' right to education.

In response to inquiries about the school's power issue and the incident at the board meeting, KCRA 3 has reached out to the district for comment but has yet to receive a response.

As the school and district work towards a solution, McNair High School has made arrangements to ensure students still have access to meals, with distribution set for Wednesday morning from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the student parking lot.

The school's principal has promised an update on the situation by Friday, as students, staff, and families eagerly await news on when they can return to normal school operations.

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