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Lodi Engages Community With "Parks Madness" Tournament

Written by Daniel Garza | Mar 15, 2024 1:40:09 AM

In an innovative twist on civic engagement, the City of Lodi has launched its first-ever "Parks Madness" tournament this March, pitting sixteen of its twenty-nine parks against each other in an online voting competition. Inspired by the NCAA's March Madness, this local contest invites residents to champion their favorite parks through a unique digital platform.

The brainchild of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (PRCS) Department's new deputy director, Emerson Yellen, the tournament was inspired by a similar event she experienced while working in Texas. The initiative aims to foster community involvement and gather input on the city's parks. "It's not really copying, but it's inspired by (the older one)," Yellen said, explaining the genesis of the idea.

Participants in the competition include a mix of Lodi's parks, such as the popular Lodi Lake and the smaller Candy Cane Park. The selection process aimed at fairness, avoiding matchups between significantly differing park sizes. Voters express their preferences using heart or care emojis on the city's Facebook page, engaging in a lively debate over the merits of each green space.

As the tournament progresses, it has reached the "Elite Eight" stage, with parks like Candy Cane, Henry Glaves, Legion, Emerson, Lodi Lake, Rose Gate, West Gate, and Hutchins Street Square West vying for the community's favor. Yellen emphasizes that the contest's goal is not to bestow awards or prizes but to deepen the community's connection to its parks and solicit feedback for future improvements.

The "Final Four" bracket was set to be announced Wednesday, with voting concluding on Saturday night. The championship face-off will take place on Sunday, and the winner will be declared on March 13. If successful, Yellen hopes to make "Parks Madness" an annual tradition, drawing on the positive response and valuable community feedback garnered this year.

Residents eager to support their favorite park and participate in the ongoing conversation about Lodi's green spaces are encouraged to cast their votes at www.facebook.com/LodiParks. This initiative represents a creative approach to municipal engagement, celebrating the diversity and utility of Lodi's parks while encouraging residents to play an active role in their city's recreational planning.