Fat City Feed News

Local Law Enforcement Amps Up DUI Enforcement For Super Bowl Sunday

Written by Daniel Garza | Feb 8, 2024 8:04:02 AM

As the excitement builds for the upcoming Super Bowl, local police departments in Manteca and Stockton are implementing increased enforcement measures to ensure the safety of football fans who choose to celebrate with alcohol. The initiative underscores a concerted effort to prevent impaired driving, which remains a significant concern during one of America's most watched sporting events.

Manteca Traffic Officer Ryan Castro emphasized the importance of responsible celebration, stating, “Let’s make sure Super Bowl Sunday is remembered for great plays on the field, not for unnecessary risks on the road.” He strongly advocates for party-goers to arrange a sober designated driver in advance, highlighting that making such arrangements ensures safety for everyone on the road.

The police departments have identified alcohol, marijuana, prescription medications, and over-the-counter drugs as substances that can impair driving abilities. They urge the public to be fully informed about how these substances can affect their driving capabilities before making the decision to get behind the wheel.

To support these enforcement efforts, the initiative is funded by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This financial backing is crucial in facilitating the heightened patrols and checkpoints that will be in place on Super Bowl Sunday, aiming to deter impaired driving and reduce the potential for accidents.

The message from law enforcement is clear: enjoy the Super Bowl festivities, but do so responsibly. Planning ahead for a safe way home is not just a personal safety measure, but a community service, ensuring that the day is marked by sportsmanship and celebration, rather than tragedy and loss.