Gov. Newsom To Veto Proposed Ban On Youth Tackle Football In California

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SACRAMENTO, California — Governor Gavin Newsom has announced his intent to veto a proposed measure that sought to ban youth tackle football in California, dismissing the blanket prohibition as an inadequate solution to concerns about head injuries among young athletes.

In an exclusive statement shared with POLITICO, Newsom expressed his reservations about the proposed legislation, which aimed to be the first of its kind in the nation, prohibiting children aged 12 and under from participating in tackle football.

“I am deeply concerned about the health and safety of our young athletes, but an outright ban is not the answer,” said Newsom. He emphasized his administration's commitment to collaborating with the Legislature and the bill's author, Assemblymember Kevin McCarty, to enhance safety measures in youth football while preserving parents' freedom to choose suitable sports for their children.

The governor outlined plans to engage with health and sports medicine experts, coaches, parents, and community members to establish and uphold the highest safety standards for youth football in California.

“We owe that to the legions of families in California who have embraced youth sports,” Newsom added.

The proposal had sparked a divisive debate, with critics framing it as unnecessary government intervention and overreach. Some characterized it as an instance of politicians thinking they know better than parents. Supporters argued for its necessity, citing the potential long-term risks of chronic brain disorders, including CTE, associated with early exposure to head injuries.

Assemblymember Kevin McCarty, a Sacramento Democrat and the bill's author, introduced the legislation four years after the passage of the California Youth Football Act, a comprehensive measure aimed at enhancing safety standards for young athletes. Newsom referenced this law in his statement, highlighting its provisions for equipment standards and limitations on exposure to full-contact tackles.

Newsom's decision to veto the proposed ban underscores his sensitivity to proposals that might portray California as out-of-touch and put Democrats in a challenging position, especially in the lead-up to the upcoming election year. This move follows his 2022 veto of another bill by McCarty, which sought to establish a committee to study CTE in youth football, citing the need for the California Youth Football Act to be given more time to take effect.

While the proposed ban on youth tackle football in California faced resistance, similar efforts have been made in at least five other states, including New York, where attempts to pass such bans have been ongoing for a decade.

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