Fat City Feed News

Good Samaritan Aids In Animal Rescue From San Joaquin County Pasture

Written by Daniel Garza | Aug 14, 2023 11:22:59 AM

A local mother's keen observation and quick thinking led to the rescue of dozens of animals in distress from a San Joaquin County pasture. Katy Mendes, the good Samaritan, initially spotted a severely malnourished horse, its skeletal frame a stark contrast to the typical rounded physique of a healthy animal.
Upon seeing the starving horse, Mendes' young daughter, who was with her in the car, innocently remarked, "Mom, why is that horse square?" This poignant question, highlighting the dire condition of the horse, prompted Mendes to take immediate action.

She swiftly contacted San Joaquin County Animal Control, who responded to her distress call. However, as Mendes pointed out, the agency has its limitations. "They can't trespass, they can't jump the fence to try and see the horse," she said. Nevertheless, the determined officers gave Mendes their personal contact and diligently followed up on her repeated calls over several days.

Tragically, the emaciated horse that initially caught Mendes' attention couldn't hold on much longer and collapsed, unable to stand from sheer weakness. This heartbreaking event catalyzed Animal Control to intervene further. They seized and subsequently saved a total of 31 animals, including horses, sheep, cows, and goats from the same property. Sadly, the horse that sparked this rescue operation did not survive.

Adolpho Mora, the owner of the horse and the property, has since been identified and arrested. He now faces charges of felony animal cruelty and failure to provide essential medical care.

Reflecting on the incident, Mendes, who halted her regular schedule to advocate for these animals, emphasized the importance of taking action. "None of us have the time. You drive by and hope somebody else is going to do it," she lamented. She hopes others will remember to "see something, say something" and recognize that one phone call might not always be enough.