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Free Air Purifiers For Residents In San Joaquin And Stanislaus Counties

Written by Daniel Garza | Aug 17, 2023 10:05:11 PM

In an effort to combat the detrimental effects of poor air quality, the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District has announced a massive giveaway of thousands of air purifiers to residents of San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties. This initiative is part of the Clean Air Room project, primarily designed to shield locals from air pollution caused by wildfire smoke that often plagues the valley.
Jaime Holt, a representative from the county’s Air Pollution Control District, emphasized that these purifiers are not just beneficial during fire season. They are particularly effective during winter, a time marked by air stagnation due to reduced rain and wind, which subsequently leads to accumulated pollution.

The success of the project, which began earlier this year, paved the way for securing more funds to acquire additional units for distribution. The bulk of these purifiers are earmarked for areas like Stockton in San Joaquin County, with a smaller portion set aside for residents of Stanislaus County.

Recognizing the financial burden air purifiers (which can cost hundreds of dollars each) may impose, officials underscored their commitment to support those less financially equipped. Holt stated, "We aim to aid those who might not be able to afford an air purifier. Our focus is primarily on older adults, young children, and individuals with pre-existing health issues such as asthma, COPD, and emphysema. These are the groups who bear the brunt of poor air quality."

The offered air purifiers come with a bonus: a complimentary air filter replacement. Although they are available on a first-come, first-served basis, the process to obtain one is straightforward. Residents can register online, providing basic details and proof of residency, such as a utility bill image. Following registration, the air purifiers are delivered within two to four weeks.

For those interested, it's recommended to act swiftly and ensure they reap the benefits of cleaner air in their homes.