Lodi Fire Department 

Daring Rescue: Small Dog Freed From Car Engine In Lodi

Yellow Line

In a heartwarming story out of Lodi, a small dog was rescued after becoming stuck in a car's engine. The dog was initially spotted running along a busy street by a couple who quickly stopped to lend a hand.

However, in the midst of the commotion, the frightened dog took refuge underneath the car and ultimately got trapped in the engine. Emergency personnel were quickly called to the scene and utilized jacks and stabilization equipment to secure the vehicle before carefully dismantling the engine to free the pup.

Fortunately, the dog was unharmed and is now being cared for by the Animal Services department until its owners come to retrieve it. This successful rescue effort is a testament to the dedication and skill of emergency responders and the compassion of good Samaritans who stop to help those in need.

The story serves as a reminder to all pet owners to ensure the safety of their furry friends by keeping them securely leashed or confined, especially near busy roads or vehicles.

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