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Mayoral Race: Dan Wright's Bid For Stockton Mayor - A Campaign Against Corruption

Written by Daniel Garza | Feb 13, 2024 1:33:47 AM

Stockton, CA – Dan Wright, who has previously served as the superintendent of Stockton Unified and is currently a District councilmember, has declared his intention to run for mayor of Stockton. Wright's campaign highlights a focus on addressing issues of corruption and inefficiency within the city's administration, notably bringing attention to a significant expenditure by Stockton Unified School District on air filters during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wright believes his background in financial management and union relations equips him to effectively confront Stockton's challenges. He points to the air filter purchase by the school district in 2020, costing over $6.6 million, as an example of the problems he aims to address. Highlighting his tenure as superintendent, during which the district's budget remained stable and his engagement with the Stockton Teachers Association was positive, Wright outlines his experience as foundational to his candidacy.

A prominent element of Wright's agenda involves utilizing the Big City Mayors coalition to advocate for Stockton and similar inland communities at the state level. He stresses the significance of representing the needs of the Central Valley, with a special focus on transitioning Stockton to EVA Community Energy by 2025 to secure more sustainable and cost-effective energy.

As the mayoral campaign unfolds, Wright presents himself as a proponent of transparency, fiscal responsibility, and effective leadership to guide Stockton towards overcoming corruption and inefficiency.

Editorial Note: This coverage is intended to inform on the mayoral candidacy of Dan Wright without endorsing any candidate. Stockton voters are encouraged to participate fully in the electoral process, researching each candidate thoroughly and making informed voting decisions. Active community involvement is essential for shaping the future leadership of Stockton.