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Concerned Parents Urge Increased Security After Disturbing Incident At McKinley Elementary

Written by Daniel Garza | Aug 29, 2023 10:03:12 AM

Parents of students at McKinley Elementary School are demanding enhanced safety measures following a troubling incident last Wednesday involving a homeless man approaching the school's premises.Blanca Bello, a mother who was dropping off her child, witnessed the man walking towards a bench where children and parents were seated. According to Bello, the man began shouting expletives, prompting her to intervene. During their exchange, Bello noticed the man holding what she believed to be an iron pipe. Disturbingly, the man threatened to "come back and kill" the children.

Despite a school secretary eventually escorting the man off the campus, the incident has raised alarming questions about the school's security, especially as the principal later informed Bello that the same man had approached the school on three prior occasions.

This recent incident, which Stockton Unified School District officials claim involved the man merely "complaining about the grass," has reignited the debate over the adequacy of current school safety protocols. Melinda Meza, district spokeswoman, stated that the Department of Public Safety was not notified about Wednesday's incident, prompting further concern among parents.

The case has sparked a wave of social media sharing, as parents, like Yulena Campos, are opting to keep their children at home until they feel more secure about their safety. This anxiety is exacerbated by the stabbing death of a student at Stagg High School last year and a recent report indicating that Stockton Unified School District's safety plans may be out of compliance with state law.

In response to the escalating concerns, the district has promised increased patrols around the school by resource officers. However, for many parents, the assurances are too little, too late, as they demand immediate, transparent action to safeguard their children.

For more information, contact McKinley Elementary School or the Stockton Unified School District.