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City Of Stockton Plans To Revitalize Sandman Park With All-Accessible Playground

Written by Daniel Garza | Jan 11, 2024 11:24:51 AM

Stockton, CA — The City of Stockton is set to breathe new life into Sandman Park, notorious for a tragic 2020 shooting incident, by reinstalling a playground. The proposal was considered during the Tuesday night council meeting, where the city council expressed its intention to revive the park located at Don and Waudman Avenues in North Stockton.

The playground at Sandman Park has been absent since 2021, a few months after a triple shooting incident claimed the life of a 17-year-old boy in December 2020. Despite the absence of children at the park on Tuesday, community members like Kathy Holton, a long-time resident near the park, reminisce about its once vibrant and family-friendly atmosphere.

"People would bring their kids out here to play in the sand. They used to be able to climb. They used to have a lot of fun play structures for the kids to climb on and swings. It was a lot of fun," said Holton.

The city, refuting any connection between crime and the removal of the playground, clarified that the equipment was taken down due to its old, deteriorating condition, making it inaccessible to all. Connie Cochran, the city's community relations officer, explained that the decision stemmed from the community's expressed need for accessible equipment for all ages and abilities.

Now, plans are underway to transform Sandman Park into north Stockton's first all-accessible playground, featuring ramps, rubberized surfacing, sensory rails, and more. The project aims to attract people from all over Stockton, fostering a diverse and lively atmosphere.

"What is great is to see this space finally used for its intended purpose. What you need around a park is activity and livelihood, and this particular park, because of the features it will have, it will attract people from all over the city," said Cochran.

The nearly $400,000 playground project is slated to begin in May, pending council approval, with an expected completion date of June. The city hopes that the revitalized Sandman Park will not only bring back families but also create a safe and vibrant community space.

"I really haven't been afraid to come to the park," expressed Holton. "I hope that it stays that way." The City of Stockton sees this as an opportunity to transform the narrative surrounding Sandman Park, turning it into a welcoming space for all residents to enjoy.