Fat City Feed News

Baby Sofia's Miraculous Survival

Written by Daniel Garza | Apr 22, 2023 2:37:03 AM

One ordinary day, the lives of the Lorenzi family took an unexpected turn when their 19-month-old daughter, Sofia, fell into the jacuzzi in their backyard.

The six siblings had been playing in the garden when the parents noticed Sofia's absence. After searching the area, Sofia's father, Pablo, found her submerged in the jacuzzi. The child had been underwater for an estimated 10 to 15 minutes.

Sofia was quickly pulled from the water, and despite attempts at CPR, she remained unresponsive. In a desperate race against time, she was rushed to the hospital, where she was declared dead by a doctor at 17:47. However, 18 minutes later, the unimaginable happened. Sofia started breathing again, astonishing everyone, including her parents and the medical staff.

"How can you explain that scientifically?" Magali Lorenzi, Sofia's mother, questioned. "God intervened in that moment."

While doctors initially feared that Sofia had suffered significant brain damage due to oxygen loss, an MRI conducted five days later revealed that none of her other organs were damaged. Furthermore, her lungs, which had been full of water, showed signs of recovery by the fifth or sixth day. Sofia was now fully awake and responsive, moving her limbs and eyes.

One of the doctors who had treated Sofia wrote a heartfelt letter to her, calling her "una estrella" (a star), as he didn't expect her to survive. Her incredible recovery stunned everyone at the hospital. After seven days in the ICU and 47 days in the recovery room, Sofia was discharged on a Wednesday.

Magali Lorenzi firmly believes in the miraculous nature of her daughter's survival, stating, "There is no doubt after I saw the miracle, I just said God you can do anything. You can heal my daughter and I know you will complete the miracle."

Sofia's parents will be taking her out of state for continued care, hopeful for her full recovery and forever grateful to God for saving their baby.