Houston School

Acampo School Is Stuck

Yellow Line

There has been a drop in enrollment for many schools in Acampo and officials are debating what the next steps should be.

Houston School has seen a significant drop in enrollment since 2018 and now changes are looking to be made. Adrienne Moore CBS Sacramento reported on this saying, Houston School's assistant superintendent presented three potential solutions to the Lodi Unified board that include closing the seventh- and eighth-grade classes and moving students to Millswood Middle School or Lockeford School next fall.

That plan would shift all students to Victor School by the fall of 2024.” The Second option would be to shut down Houston School by next fall. The Third option would be to do nothing, and this has parents furious and weary about the future. No final decisions were made at Tuesday night's meeting. Although, the board did say doing nothing is not an option. They directed staff to get more input from parents and do more research.

The board will meet again on February 21. What do you think should be done? Does this affect you and your parents?

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