Anne Swehla Garcia getting things done for the holidays/ The Record

35,000 Dollars Raised For Food Donations

Yellow Line

Anne Swehla Garcia is not only a kindergarten teacher, but an activist in ending Stockton Hunger. Over the last six years she has raised over 35,000 dollars to donate to those who are in need.

Cassie Dickman from the Stockonia reports “In 2017, a food bank board member and personal mentor mentioned to Swehla Garcia that they needed more turkeys. So she asked some fellow teachers at her school to donate money to buy some.” The rest is history and Swehla Garcia began doing this twice a year. She has become one of the biggest donors for the Emergency Food Bank and she was a workhorse.


People like Anne are truly an inspiration to our city. Continue to remember those who are less fortunate this holiday season. To read more about this local hero Stocktonia has all the information.

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